Community Planning & Development Services

Zone Changes

Navigating the complexities of zoning regulations can be daunting, but with our expertise, we make the process seamless. Whether you're seeking to rezone a property for a new development project or adjust zoning boundaries, we provide strategic guidance and assistance to help you achieve your objectives.

Land Use Map Amendments

We provide valuable insights into the current land utilization patterns and future development opportunities within a given area. By analyzing various factors such as demographics, infrastructure, and environmental considerations, we help you make informed decisions for land allocation and development planning.

Land Development Code Amendments

Our Land Use Map Amendment Services provide essential support for clients navigating the intricacies of land use planning and development. As urban landscapes evolve, it's crucial to ensure that land use designations accurately reflect current and future community needs while adhering to regulatory frameworks. We offer expertise in facilitating seamless and strategic amendments to land use maps, enabling clients to optimize land utilization and development opportunities.

Due Diligence Reports

Thorough due diligence is crucial for minimizing risks and maximizing opportunities in real estate transactions. Our comprehensive due diligence reports provide detailed assessments of zoning regulations, land use constraints, environmental considerations, and other critical factors, empowering you to make well-informed investment decisions.


When standard zoning regulations present obstacles to your development plans, securing variances can offer a path forward. We leverage our expertise in zoning laws and regulations to assist you in obtaining variances where appropriate, ensuring that your project objectives are met while maintaining compliance with applicable standards.


Board Development & Facilitation


Public Engagement